Table of Contents
Conferences dedicated to the Digital edition of the Encyclopédie:
- Chantiers des Lumières : L’Encyclopédie de Diderot et D’Alembert à l’âge de la numérisation. Colloque international, Paris VII-Denis Diderot, 28-29 mars 2013 website.
- Séminaire « La Manufacture encyclopédique ». Organisé par Marie Leca-Tsiomis (CSLF, Paris Ouest-Nanterre) et Irène Passeron (SYRTE, CNRS) January-June, 2012 PDF.
- Translating the Encyclopédie in the Global 18th Century. New York University and Fordham University, March 4 - 6, 2011. Conference organized by Andrew Clark (Fordham) and Lucien Nouis (NYU) with the generous support at NYU of the Humanities Initiative, the Department of French, the Department of History, and the Center for French Civilization and Culture, and at Fordham of the Fordham College Lincoln Center Dean, the Departments of History, Modern Languages, the Program in Literary Studies, and the NY 18th-Century Seminar.
- A Colloquium on the Digital Encyclopédie. University of Virginia, April 2-3 2010.
- Knowledge Production, Technology, and Cultural Change: The Digital Encyclopédie. University of Minnesota, April 2009. The colloquium, co-sponsored by the Theorizing Early Modern Studies collaborative workshop (, included participants from the University of Minnesota, University of Chicago, Stanford University, Johns Hopkins University, and the University of Wisconsin.
- The Encyclopédie of Diderot and d'Alembert: A Project for Enlightenment. University of Chicago, March 17-18, 2008.The ARTFL Project, The France Chicago Center, The Franke Institute for the Humanities, CNRS, Consulat Général de France.
- Knowledge in the Age of Enlightenment: Producing the Encyclopédie. Stanford University, May 2007. Department of French and Italian, Humanities Center - Stanford University.
- Célébration internationale du 250ème anniversaire de l’Encyclopédie de Diderot et d’Alembert, ENS-Lyon LSH, June 28-30 - 2001. Acts published as L'Encyclopédie ou la création des disciplines, Martine Groult (dir.), Paris, CNRS Editions, 2003. Contributions by S. Auroux, J.-C. Beaune, D. Diop, M. Leca-Tsiomis, M. Malherbe, E. Martin-Haag, M. Pinault, J. Proust, P. Quintili, D. Teysseire, et al.
- L’Encyclopédie en ses nouveaux atours électroniques: Vices et vertus du virtuel. Université Paris 7 - Denis Diderot. November 2000. Société Diderot, Université Paris 7. The acts of this colloquium were published in Recherches sur Diderot and sur l'Encyclopédie Numéros 31-32 (2002). We would like to bring particular attention to the fine introduction by Pierre Chartier and to recognize the significant contributions of Marie Leca-Tsiomis to the initial stages of Encyclopédie corrections.
- Journée internationale d'études - l'Encyclopédie éléctronique. École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), June 1998. Centre Europe (EHESS), Centre d’études de la langue et de la littérature françaises des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles (CNRS, Université Paris IV-Sorbonne) ATILF-CNRS. Acts published as L'Encyclopédie : du réseau au livre et du livre au réseau, Robert Morrissey and Philippe Roger (Eds.). Paris: Champion, 2001.